St. Olaf Girl Scouts and Cub Scouts

Is your child interested in joining Girl Scouts or Cub Scouts?  Look no further than St. Olaf's Catholic School!
Girl Scouts
In Girl Scouts, girls are generally broken up into troops containing 1-2 grade levels; some Girl Scout troops are multi-level, with a variety of ages/levels meetings at the same time to work on individual projects.  Girls stay and progress with their troop as they age.  Girl Scouts participate in many activities including camping, robotics, community service, and more!
Troop 133
Leader: Dawn Flynn
Phone Number: (801)879- 8622
This troop is a multi-level troop, currently accepting girls in grades 1-7.  They usually meet on Saturdays at a troop leader's house.
Troop 141
Leader: Spring Lavallee
Phone Number: (530)721-1213
This troop is for 2nd and 3rd grade girls, also known as Brownies.  They meet the second and fourth Wednesdays of the month at St. Olaf school.  Most girls go to EDP on meeting days and are taken out of EDP by troop leaders (no dropoffs necessary!).
Troop 498
Leader: Angel and Barb
This troop is for 2nd grade girls (Brownies).  They are not currently accepting additional girls at this time.
Cub Scouts
Cub Scouts are broken into dens based on their grade level/age.  All the dens at St. Olaf School are collected into one Pack (Pack 4030) which does monthly family activities; that gives boys an opportunity to spend time with older and younger boys during big outings and award ceremonies.  Dens typically meet once or twice a month on their own and once a month as a Pack.  Cub Scouts participate in lots of activities including camping, sports, history, and crafts!
Scoutmaster: Pete Lavallee
Email Address: [email protected]
Please contact Pete if you would like to join, and he will connect you to the correct den leader.
Level: Lions
Leader: None!  Are you interested in this volunteer position?  Contact Pete Lavallee!
First Grade
Level: Tigers
Leader: Pete Lavallee and Jared Hale
Second Grade
Level: Wolves
Leader: Pending
Third Grade
Level: Bears
Leaders: Johnathan Bakker and Tim Conyers
Fourth and Fifth Grades
Level: Webelos
Leader: Johanna Wheelton