About Mrs. Cowan

My name is Kelli-Ann Cowan. I was born and raised in Torrance, California. I moved to Utah to attend school at the University of Utah. For Student Teaching, I was placed in a 3rd-grade class at Wasatch Elementary in Salt Lake City, Utah. In May 2012, I graduated with a Bachelor of Science degree in Elementary Education along with an ESL Endorsement. In May 2018, I received a Math Endorsement and I am currently working on my Technology Endorsement. I have taught 3rd grade for 3 years and 4th grade for 1 year at HighMark Charter school. I am currently teaching 4th grade at St.Olaf, this will be my fourth year at St.Olaf. I have always wanted to be a teacher and I want to share my love of learning with my students.

I am here to help my students learn to the best of their ability and enjoy their time in school. I will use various interesting methods for learning. To support a positive and safe environment to learn in, I will have my students participate in team-building activities, small group work, think pair shares, and partner work. I believe we learn from one another, thus there will be numerous opportunities for hands-on activities and social interaction. Our classroom will be a positive environment. In other words, there will be no put-downs and we will focus on what we did well and what can be improved upon. My expectations for my students are to have a positive attitude towards themselves, other students and the school community. I want all my students to be respectful and responsible.
Mission Statement
In this classroom, students will seek to be lifelong learners, who persist in their work and strive to be kind, caring children of God. Students will think critically and problem solve when they struggle in their work. We will be kind to everyone and be an example for others. In everything we do, we will follow God and live by his teachings.