Taco Tuesday, Weeding, and Ice Cream
We have to keep shouting out the many big and the small ways our families bless us! We can't fully express the joy we feel at having volunteers back in the building and experiencing the service you give us. THANK YOU to the family that has helped us clean up the front garden beds, the families that have brought to life Taco Tuesday for the faculty, the family that donated a beverage fridge to the staff lounge, the mom who made copies for teachers, all the parents who read with students or help in the classrooms, or provide lunches or snacks, and lastly, thanks to those families serving on the HSA this year, including room reps, and for the many social events they will help make possible. We may have gotten through last year, however, your services, your presence, and your gifts have already made this school year easier, and so much more fun!